Got to get moving again

Earlier today I talked about the slowdown in my rate of writing posts and some of the reasons. Well, I’ve published tons of charts about weight, so how about one on this:


That’s a huge decline and not in a value I really want to drive down. There are multiple reasons for this but it looks like something I should reverse. My average #posts/month, over all 22 months, is about 23, but really I should just consider the first twelve months where it’s 36.4/month. This means, extrapolating, I should have about 784 posts (matching first 12 month’s rate) or more than 200 more than I’ve actually done.

So need to get moving. Let’s get that app done I talked about and get a deadline reminder going so I get something done! If not quality, then at least quantity.


About dmill96

old fat guy, who used to create software in Silicon Valley (almost even before it was called that), who used to go backpacking and bicycling and cross-country skiing and now drives AWD in Wyoming, takes pictures, studies Spanish and writes long blog posts and does xizquvjyk.
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